Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Battle Of Antietam And The Civil War - 985 Words

The Battle of Antietam, or The Battle of Sharpsburg as the South would call it, took place on September 17, 1862, near Sharpsburg, Maryland, and Antietam Creek. This was the first major battle in the American Civil War to take place on Union soil. The American Civil War was beginning its second year of combat. As the Confederate States of America came close to winning the war, independence was well on its way. At first the result of the battle was controversial, as it could not be determined who won the battle and which army made the most progress towards achieving their strategic goals. The passage of time revealed that, tactically, Antietam was a draw, but that the South lost from a strategic perspective. It was one of the major turning points in the American Civil War. This was due to President Abraham Lincoln using the Union â€Å"victory† as political impetus to issue his Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862. As a direct result of the Battle of Antietam , the Civil War became more about abolition than the reunification of the states, and made a peaceful reconciliation between the two combatants almost impossible. The ultimate defeat of the Confederacy occurred at the Battle of Antietam, although no one knew it at the time. September 17th 1862 is a date engrained into the minds of military tacticians and historians as the bloodiest battle to take place on American Soil. The battle, most commonly known as Antietam after the Union convention, was the firstShow MoreRelatedThe Battle Of Antietam And The Civil War876 Words   |  4 Pagessentence perfectly represents the Battle of Antietam as a turning point in the Civil War and its effect on America decades later. The small step was one man s step on the moon just like the Battle of Antietam was just another battle during the Civil War, but they were short and impactful events that revolutionized their fields. America s advances in science and technology would not be the same without that one step on the moon. Similarly, without this one battle, America s modern beliefs on slaveryRead MoreThe Civil War : The Battle Of Antietam969 Words   |  4 Pages there was a war that happened that caused many people to die in the war, which was Civil War. The Civil War was a war that was fought between the Union and Confederate parts of United States. The Union was in the North, and the Confederates were in the South. There were many reasons why the battles were fought. During the Civil War, the president was Abraham Lincoln. There were many reasons why the war was fought, but the main reason was to keep the country together. Before the war, the North andRead MoreThe Battle of Antietam Creek600 Words   |  3 PagesThe Battle of Antietam Creek The Battle of Antietam Creek was a very bloody and important battle in the Civil war. 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